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Speldhurst Bowls Club
As you can see, at Speldhurst, we have a charming club house that is maintained by club members along with the constant management of the very important green.
We are a social bunch and aside from playing matches and looking after our sporting facilities we try to have some fun. We have regular social events that always include great food. Whether it's a takeaway ofter a match or buffet lunch during club days.
If you would like to give bowls a try this year, why not pop along for a free trial session or two. We have a practice/social evening every Tuesday evening (weather permitting) from 5.30pm to 7pm during the season. The 2024 season runs from 26th April to 21st September. No previous experience is necessary and no there is no need to pre-book or bring any equipment, just turn up with a pair of flat soled shoes.
To email the club press here.
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